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Drawing a Line - a communities fight to protect the hillsides of the Naramata Bench

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

We are very proud of our collaboration with the Penticton Indian Band to put together this short film in August of 2023. We can't think of a better place to draw the line on densification of our rural community. We are trying to get the word out to the community to participate in letting our elected officials know, that the NE Sector (land North of Reservoir Rd) should be removed as a future growth area, and update the zoning by-law for Country Residential to align with Rural Residential with 1 hectare (2.47 acres) minimum lot sizes. This will help preserve areas that are agricultural, but not in the ALR, as well as our forests. We need to protect this sensitive ecosystem, and the brand we have created for tourists to enjoy from all over the world. These hillsides are home to more species at risk than anywhere else in Canada and the Greyback Elk Herd. Let's not let developers and builders decide our future. Attend the OCP Task Force shapeyourcity events and tell your elected officials your thoughts.

Help us with our action plan at the end of the video



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